北欧风格,虽然是前几年***的风格,但对于现代年轻人的喜好来说,显得更加干净简单,但不失温馨和温度。繁杂的社会和工作带给我们很多的思绪,在原木系北欧风中,我们能感受温暖和放松。同时达到效果的同时,能很好的提升装修的性价比。 在原木系中带着绿色生命的装饰画,为我们的新家增添了更多生机感,简单的象牙白的墙面带着一点点的初阳色。孕育了我们的希望。木纹的地面通铺带领我们走进森林。简单的原木色的家具家私迎
在简约的客厅中,米灰色的布艺沙发,加入一张小羊的单人椅,彰显可爱,为客厅增添些许活力;没有任何复杂造型,原木柜桌清新自然,金色线条镶边的灰白地毯、装饰画营造北欧风,整体软装搭配那么的简单,却又那么的到位,处处突显出不俗的品味。 In the simple living room, the beige fabric sofa and a lamb’s single chair are lovely
排列的吊灯、写意的装饰,配上舒适的餐桌椅,为用餐时增添了温馨的气氛。 The array of chandeliers, freehand decoration, and comfortable dining tables and chairs add a warm atmosphere to the meal.
木纹的地面给人以稳定踏实的感觉,而立体空间大面积的留白,轻盈而灵动,有效地给人以提升空间高度的视觉感受;空间动线分明,从此处还可看见入门的轨迹。 The wood-grained ground gives people a sense of stability and solidity, while the large area of white space in the three-dimen
卧室整体冷色调,床头背景选择了低沉优雅的深灰蓝,搭配纯净的白纱,勾勒出沉稳又不失清新的空间之美;线性分子灯与吊灯带来灵动的气息,使得卧室的个性空间中不乏亮点。 The overall color of the bedroom is cool, and the bedside background chooses a deep and elegant dark gray blue, with pu
卧室以白色为背景墙,布置欧式的实木框架加布艺靠枕的床铺,也让睡眠氛围显得格外的优雅沉稳;在床侧边摆了一个实木的衣柜,加上转角圆润弧度的贴心设计,衣物的寻找更加方便快捷。 The bedroom has a white background wall, a European-style solid wood frame and a bed with fabric pillows, which al
灰色硬包床头,搭配梦幻舒适的床单,还有明亮色彩的书桌椅,让空间显得简约而又气质;在白色的空间基础,设计大面积的飘窗,增加玩耍的空间,使得儿童房生动有趣。 The gray hard-covered bed head, matched with dreamy and comfortable bed sheets, and brightly colored desks and chairs make
经典小方砖搭配天使白橱柜,U型的设计使洗切蒸炒的过程更加流畅,厨房电器一应俱全,有一种干净、温润的美。 The classic small square bricks are matched with angel white cabinets. The U-shaped design makes the process of washing, cutting, steaming and fryi
公卫布置推拉玻璃窗户,采光丰富,深蓝浴室柜质感十足;一侧是淋浴区和马桶区,简简单单却功能兼具。 The public bathroom is equipped with sliding glass windows, rich in light, and the dark blue bathroom cabinet is full of texture; one side is the showe
卫生间的仪式感也非常重要,哑光的岩板台面与原木浴室柜进行搭配;多层衣架充分利用增加储物功能,物品摆放井然有序,同时摆放绿植可为空间带来清新绿意。 The ritual sense of the bathroom is also very important. The matte stone count***ops are matched with the log bathroom cabinet